Getting a Library Card

How To Obtain a Library Card
Bring your picture ID that has your current address or your picture ID plus a separate proof of residency to the Library, fill out and sign the application and start borrowing right away!
Parents need to accompany and sign for cards for children under 18.
Those who reside within the corporate city limits of Mascoutah support the public library through their property taxes. If your property tax bill shows a line which says CITY OF MASCOUTAH LIBRARY, you satisfy the requirement to be a RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF MASCOUTAH since you reside within the corporate city limits of Mascoutah and are entitled to a free library card. If you own property within the city limits, you also qualify for one free card as a property owner. If you rent your residence and are not sure whether you are within the corporate city limits, please consult your landlord or inquire at the City Hall. City residents and property owners will be asked for picture ID or picture ID and proof of residency.
If you do not pay the city of Mascoutah Library Tax on your property tax bill and have not been recently annexed into the city of Mascoutah, then you reside outside the corporate city limits, regardless of where you receive your mail or where your children go to school. Most rural addresses for Mascoutah are outside the city limits. ILLINOIS STATE LAW requires that citizens who live OUTSIDE a library’s support area pay a fee equivalent to the local tax levy for library support if they wish to obtain a library card. We understand that some citizens, especially those from other states, may find this policy unusual or unfair. We’ll be happy to provide you with names and addresses of your Illinois legislators so you may register your complaint with the persons who have the power to change the state law.
The fee for Non-Residents of the Mascoutah Library’s support area is $158.00 per year, per household. This fee entitles everyone residing within a household to use materials from the Mascoutah Library and provides them access to items available from other libraries through the inter-library loan network.
If you don’t wish to pay the non-resident fee for a library card, you are still welcome to use materials within the library. However, no materials may be checked out or ordered on inter-library loan without a library card. If you have any questions about this matter, please feel free to discuss it with a staff member.
Students registered in the Mascoutah School District are automatically given a library account unless opted out during registration. Students use their school ID number to access their account by typing in MSD19 before their card number. Students can get a physical card if they come in with a parent/guardian. Student cards can only be used with the student present.
Teachers who work in the Mascoutah School District can sign up for a free library account. Teachers can come into the library to sign up using their employee ID. They can access their account online by typing MSD19 before their employee ID number.