Metro East Art Show

Leu Civic Center and Mascoutah Public Library
April 26th, 2025 10am – 2pm Awards at 2pm
Open to students in grades Pre-K – 12 that reside in the Metro East area. Students may submit drawings, paintings, photography, mixed media, and 3 dimensional art.
Grades 6 thru 12 will be judged for awards. Prizes will include Best in Show, Awards of Excellence and Merit, People’s Choice. Awards will be at the sole discretion of the judges. Judges will consist of a panel of local artists.
Grades Pre-K thru 5 are exhibition only but will receive a constructive and encouraging critique of their work.
Limited to two entries per student. No entry fee required. Entries must be the original work of the artist. It can be completed in a class setting.
- Maximum size for 2 dimensional pieces for grades 6 – 12 is 16” x 20”. Work must be either framed or on a canvas with finished edges. Work that is framed to 16×20 will be allowed provided the frame is not wider than 3”. All work must be ready to hang. Wire is preferred but sawtooth hangers will be accepted. If you need assistance with this, please contact us prior to dropping off your art
- Maximum size for 2 dimensional pieces for grades Pre-K – 5 is 11×14, including matting. This work does not need to be framed but must be able to be displayed on a wall or easel.
- 3 Dimensional pieces for both age divisions must be able and ready to be displayed on a tabletop. Larger pieces must get prior approval from the Show Director.
- All art must be ready for exhibition upon delivery. The show committee reserves the right to use images of work and/or exhibition for publicity. The show committee reserves the right to reject any entry that does not meet the eligibility requirements or is inappropriate for public exhibition. Work must be appropriate for viewing by all ages.
Submission Guidelines
Artist must submit entry form either via google form (link will be provided when live) or through their school/art teacher beginning March 31 and ending April 18th. Teachers that would like to receive a pdf form for classroom submission, please contact us.
- Entry items for grades 6-12 must arrive at the Leu Civic Center Wednesday April 23rd from 11:00am – 6pm or Thursday, April 24th from 11:00am – 6pm. No other drop off times will be available. Entry items for grades PreK through 5 must be dropped off at the Mascoutah Public Library on the 23rd or 24th during operating hours.
- Pieces must remain with the show until Saturday, April 26th at 2pm. No entries may be removed earlier.
- Show pieces must be picked up and signed out, by the entrant or guardian only, April 27th 2:00-3:00pm. If these dates will not work, please see the Show Director to make alternate arrangements. We will make one (1) attempt to contact the artists in regard to pick up. No efforts will be made to contact artists after one (1) attempt. Please provide reliable contact information. Items not retrieved by May 2nd become property of the Leu Civic Center
The following Artists Agreement must be agreed to at submission:
- I hereby certify that I am the sole creator of this/these work(s), and no reproduced images or AI has been used.
- I agree to follow the rules and regulations of this contest.
- I hereby authorize any reproduction, distribution, news release or other use of this entry/original work’s image /images without limitations, by or on behalf of the Leu Civic Center and Mascoutah Public Library during the duration of the above named event, and for a reasonable period afterward.
- I understand that every reasonable precaution will be taken in the handling and exhibition of work/works submitted by me, the creator, to the MetroEast Youth Art Show. I hereby agree to hold harmless the Leu Civic Center and Mascoutah Public Library and all entities therein, in any claim or damage that might arise from loss or damage to my work/works during the above named event for any cause whatsoever.
- I understand any work not claimed within 6 days after conclusion of the show (April 26th 2pm) becomes property of the Leu Civic Center and Mascoutah Public Library and may be disposed of.
- I understand the show committee will make one (1) attempt to contact me in regard to pick up. No efforts will be made to contact me after one (1) attempt.